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Unify · Recruit · Strengthen

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Unify the
Democratic Party

Adam will work towards eliminating the New school versus Old school political climate.


The Democratic Party is intergenerational and it will take a collective action to make positive change in our communities.

Recruit Qualified Candidates

We must capacity build. Adam will help the party find change makers that are already making a difference in our communities.


When elected, Adam will help put good people in position so they are able to forge a better, cleaner, and safer 2nd Congressional District.

Strengthen Voter Confidence

Through collaborative efforts with local elected officials and community leaders Adam will inspire a new generation of democratic voters and build on the foundations paved by brave civil leaders.


Adam will foster trust with non voters who believe that their vote does not count; every vote counts.

As State Central Committeeman, Adam Shorter 

will Unify, Recruit Qualified Candidates, 

and Strengthen the Democratic Party!

Upcoming Events

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